Thursday, December 13, 2012


I can't believe that my husband just dropped this bomb on me last week.

Apparently his job may be in jeopardy. Not because he is incompetent, or because his boss doesn't like the quality of his work. He may be in jeopardy of losing his job because they had to hire a bunch of temp workers, owe the temp company a ton of money and the Architect that is in charge of this job that he is finishing won't pay. She keeps sending back requests for payment because they aren't formatted the way that she wants them, the requests will be corrected and then she sends them back for some other stupid reason.  I don't know what this lady's problem is but she had better get it together and start paying quickly.

I am worried about him losing his job. Not that he doesn't have another job waiting for him if he wants it back in South Florida. Great. But if he loses his job here how does he get back to Florida and get his job back. How do we pay for the things that we need until we can sell the house? How do we save money? What about his Grandma? Where will she go? I think about all of these things all of the time and I still don't know how it will be accomplished.

I just need to trust that everything will work out for the best. Everything happens for a reason. We will just have to wait and see what these reasons are.